Policies & Disclosures
Accreditation Information
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Alcohol and Other Drugs Intervention Program
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Code of Student Conduct
Biennial Campus Alcohol and Drug Report
Borrower Responsibilities
Borrower Rights
Clery Act
Constitution Day
Cost of Attendance
Degrees Awarded
Distance Education Complaint Process
Distribution of Aid Awards
Emergency Information
Emergency Short Term Loans
Enrollment Data
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)
Federal Direct Loan Disbursement Process
Federal Direct PLUS Loan Disbursement Process
Federal Direct Student Loan Program Requirements
Filing a Complaint with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
FSA Student Loan Ombudsman Group
Graduation Rates
How Federal Student Financial Aid is Determined
Institutional Policies on Copyright Infringement
Loan Deferment and Cancellation
Maroon Alert System
Mission Statement
MSU Safeline
Official Cohort Default Rate for Schools
Pell Freeze Date
Retention Rate
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy PDF
Special Circumstances
Special Enrollment Options/Financial Aid Issues
Student Advocate/Ombudsman
Student Enrollment Demographics
Student Publications and Policies
Students with Disabilities
Summer School
Textbook Information
University Policies Relating to Students
Vaccination Requirements
Voter Registration
Withdrawal From School
Aid Disbursement
MSU will provide a paper copy of this information upon request.
The University provides a Biennial Campus Alcohol and Drug Report, in compliance with applicable federal law. This report contains information on campus alcohol and drug policies, programs and standards. If you have questions or wish to obtain a paper copy of the Report, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 662-325-3611 or visit Room 1140, located on 1st floor of YMCA Building on the Starkville campus.
Need based aid, cost of attendance and special circumstances
Co-op, Internships, Independent Study/Correspondence Courses, Study Abroad, Concurrent Enrollment-2 or More Schools, Transient Student Enroll