Special Circumstances

Special Circumstances

Financial Aid awards may be reevaluated due to special circumstances:

  • Divorce of Student or supporting Parent
  • Death of Spouse or supporting Parent
  • Loss of income or unemployment of student, spouse, or supporting Parent
  • Excessive and unusual family medical expenses not covered by insurance
  • Other exceptional circumstances

All requests to revise your award must include supporting documentation (copies of check stubs, medical expenses, etc., and/or thorough written explanation). Students who do not meet one of the above guidelines or students failing to provide proper documentation will have their requests denied. You must complete the Special Circumstance form. These forms are available by contacting a counselor in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships or Click Here.

Cost of Attendance Adjustment

Financial aid is provided to you to pay for educational costs, called your Cost of Attendance. The total of your financial
aid awards cannot exceed your Cost of Attendance when receiving federal financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid
establishes your Cost of Attendance based on average anticipated costs. A school’s cost of attendance for students includes the components of tuition/fees; food and housing; books; transportation; and personal expenses.

Please keep in mind:

  • Adjustments for COA are limited to one per academic year (Fall/spring).
  • Additional documents may be required.
  • To check the status or see requests for any documents, log in to your MSU myState and check Eligibility Requirements; you can also see this under your MSU email address.
  • Adjustments will be delayed if ALL documents required and requested are not signed and submitted.

Complete the form https://www.sfa.msstate.edu/forms/ if the student or family whose financial situation contributes to the student’s education has additional
allowable costs during the academic year (August 2023 – May 2024) that will increase the overall Cost of Attendance

A student may request an adjustment to their COA for the following reasons:

  • Cooperative education cost
  • Disability-related expenses
  • Dependent or childcare cost
  • Study Abroad cost – Please see separate form on the Financial Aid Office website for this cost appeal

Submitting this COA form does not guarantee your total financial aid eligibility will increase. This form will not
increase your federal grants. However, it could increase your eligibility for a Parent or Grad PLUS loan,
alternative loans, etc. If loans are increased, it is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to secure the
additional loan funds.

Special Circumstance Appeal Form for Cost of Attendance

Financial aid is provided to you to pay for educational costs, called your Cost of Attendance. The total of your financial
aid awards cannot exceed your Cost of Attendance when receiving federal financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid
establishes your Cost of Attendance based on average anticipated costs. A school’s cost of attendance for students includes the components of tuition/fees; food and housing; books; transportation; and personal expenses.

Please keep in mind:

  • Special Circumstances Appeals for COA are limited to one per academic year (Fall/spring).
  • Additional documents may be required when our appeal committee evaluates your appeal.
  • To check the status or see requests for any documents, log in to your MSU myState and check Eligibility Requirements; you can also see this under your MSU email address.
  • Appeal will be delayed if ALL documents required and requested are not signed and submitted.

Complete the form https://www.sfa.msstate.edu/forms/ if the student or family whose financial situation contributes to the student’s education has additional allowable costs that will increase the overall Cost of Attendance (COA). Approved Special Circumstances do not guarantee any additional aid will be awarded.

A student may request an adjustment to their COA for the following reasons:

  • Purchase of other item (as required by department)
  • Unusually high housing cost
  • Unusually high transportation cost
  • Other education related cost

Submitting this COA form does not guarantee your total financial aid eligibility will increase. This form will not
increase your federal grants. However, it could increase your eligibility for a Parent or Grad PLUS loan,
alternative loans, etc. If loans are increased, it is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to secure the
additional loan funds