Financial Aid Suspension

Financial Aid Suspension

What is Financial Aid Suspension?

Financial Aid Suspension is a status assigned if you fail to meet the minimum SAP policy requirements. Your financial aid will be terminated or suspended until you meet the minimum satisfactory academic progress standards or win an appeal.

Why am I on Financial Aid Suspension?

You are placed on Financial Aid Suspension for failing to meet at least one of the SAP policy standards listed below:

  1. GPA: failure to maintain a minimum MSU cumulative GPA
  2. Completion Rate: failure to pass a minimum of 67% of cumulative course work attempted
  3. Excessive Withdrawals: exceeded maximum number of withdrawal hours
  4. Maximum Hours/Time-frame: failure to complete degree program within a specific Timeframe/hours
  5. Enrollment Hours: dropped below the minimum enrollment hours required

You can view your SAP Status online via your myState account. Select Banner, Students, Financial Aid and Scholarships, Satisfactory Academic Progress. The SAP status will indicate if you are making satisfactory progress or if you have been placed on financial aid suspension, warning, or probation. 

Can I Receive Financial Aid While I am on Financial Aid Suspension?

No, you cannot receive financial aid if you are placed on financial aid suspension. You would be responsible for the payment of any tuition/fees without the assistance of financial aid. However, if you submit a successful SAP Appeal, you will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and will be eligible to receive aid for the probation semester only (if otherwise eligible).

How Do I Submit a SAP Appeal?

The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form is now available online as an eForm.

You must log into your myState account to access this eForm. Select eForms, Student eForms, SAP Appeal Form.

Guidance on preparing an appeal is available online at MSU Financial Aid SAP Information.

You are limited to three SAP appeals while attending MSU. Information/Instructions on completing a SAP Appeal can also be viewed online at MSU SAP Policies.

What If I Have Excessive Withdrawal Hours?

If you who have been placed on Financial Aid Suspension for exceeding the maximum number of withdrawal hours, you are no longer eligible to receive financial aid. You can only regain eligibility for aid by submitting a successful SAP Appeal.

What If I am on Suspension for Exceeding Maximum Hours/Timeframe?

If you have exceeded the maximum allowable time to complete your degree program, you are no longer eligible to receive financial aid. Federal regulations also state that you become ineligible for financial aid whenever it becomes mathematically impossible for you to complete your degree program within the maximum time frame. In these scenarios, you can only regain eligibility for aid if you submit a successful appeal.

How Do I Regain Financial Aid Eligibility?

SAP is evaluated annually, at the end of each spring semester. If you have been placed on Financial Aid Suspension as a result of your failure to meet SAP, you can regain financial aid eligibility by meeting at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Correct the SAP problem(s) and meet the overall SAP Policy requirements.
  2. Submit successful SAP Appeal. If your SAP Appeal is approved by the SAP committee, you will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and you may be granted one additional semester of financial aid (if otherwise eligible).

Are There Any Other Sources of Funding?

If you have been placed on Financial Aid Suspension, there may be additional funding opportunities for you through the Alternative/Private Loans program. To view more information on Private Alternative Loans, Click Here.